Duncan Grierson, Clim8 CEO: “We must act now”
09 August 2021 Climate ChangeSustainability
On August 9th the IPCC released a landmark study, warning of increasingly extreme heatwaves, droughts and flooding, and a key temperature limit being broken in just over a decade. The report “is a code red for humanity” and a global call to action.
Here are my 4 takeaways from the report:
- The new report begins with a definitive statement: “It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land.”
- The last decade was hotter than any period in 125,000 years.
- The key aspect of the IPCC report is that the 42-page summary is agreed, line by line, by every government on the planet.
- We are running out of time. But if we can cut global emissions in half by 2030 and reach net zero by the middle of this century, we can halt and possibly reverse the rise in temperatures. UN Secretary General António Guterres said: “If we combine forces now, we can avert climate catastrophe. But, as this report makes clear, there is no time for delay and no room for excuses. I count on government leaders and all stakeholders to ensure COP26 is a success.”
“We are running out of time”
– Duncan Grierson
Though this report is extensive and has brought together leading climate scientists from across the globe, it doesn’t report on how we can mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis. Later this year, the IPCC proposes to publish a follow-up report to delve into climate adaptation.
It’s clear from the research that we need to act FAST now. There is hope, and where there is hope there are opportunities for us to take action.
One of the ways to take immediate action is through climate impact investing. It’s why we invest 100% into the companies and technologies that are at the forefront of a sustainable future.
Together, we can build a sustainable and financially secure future.
Capital at risk